Hi! I'm Antony Evans

And I'm

Software Engineer Cybersecurity Engineer Network Engineer Backend Engineer System Admin Ethical Hacker

Software Engineer and Cybersecurity Analyst working in Engineering field for 3 years so far. Specialized in Backend Engineering and Ethical Hacking.

Behance :

Years of Experience


Project Complete


Happy Clients

Le me introduce myself

About Me

A story of good

My journey into the realms of cybersecurity and software engineering began with a fascination for the intricate dance between technology and security. From an early age, I was drawn to the allure of coding and the power it wielded in shaping our digital world.

As I delved deeper into the field, I realized the paramount importance of cybersecurity in safeguarding our digital infrastructure. It became apparent that the very tools I wielded as a software engineer could be both a double-edged sword and a bastion of defense against malicious actors.

With this newfound understanding, I embarked on a mission to fortify the digital landscape, crafting robust software solutions fortified with layers of security protocols. Each line of code became a barrier against cyber threats, every algorithm a sentinel standing watch over our digital assets.

Yet, the journey was not without its trials and tribulations. I encountered challenges that tested my resolve and pushed the boundaries of my knowledge. From thwarting sophisticated cyber attacks to debugging elusive software glitches, every obstacle served as a crucible, forging me into a seasoned guardian of the digital realm.

But amidst the chaos of the digital battlefield, there were moments of triumph. Whether it be uncovering vulnerabilities before they could be exploited or engineering elegant software solutions that revolutionized industries, each victory reaffirmed my commitment to the cause.

And so, my story continues to unfold, a never-ending quest to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity and software engineering. Armed with a passion for innovation and a steadfast dedication to protecting the digital domain, I stand ready to confront whatever challenges lie ahead.

what i will do for you

Our Services

Software Engineer

Passionate about crafting robust and efficient software solutions to tackle complex challenges. With expertise in C, C++, C#, Python and Databases, I strive to deliver high-quality code that meets client needs and exceeds expectations. Let's collaborate to bring your ideas to life!


Passionate about safeguarding digital assets and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information systems. With expertise in network security, cryptography, and penetration testing, I'm dedicated to helping businesses stay protected from evolving cyber threats. Let's work together to strengthen your security posture!

Ethical Hacker

As an ethical hacker, I specialize in identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities within computer systems and networks to improve their security. With a strong background in penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and risk analysis, I help organizations proactively defend against cyber threats. Let's collaborate to fortify your defenses and ensure the integrity of your digital assets.

technical and professional

My Skills

Technical Skills





Penetration Testing








Professional Skills

55% Project Management
80% Creativity
90% Team Work
70% Communication
what i will do for you

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